Libra New Moon Eclipse

trust in sacred reciprocity

libra new moon with Solar eclipse

october 14th

10:55 Am (pst)

Hi friends,

It’s that time of year again!

Eclipse season is here, and with it comes a powerful new Moon with partial solar eclipse in Libra on Saturday October 14th.

While most new Moons are about planting new seeds and setting intentions for what you want to grow, this Libra new Moon feels more like it wants you to let go of control and instead lean into trust. Trust in our relationships, trust in our emotions, and trust that we’re currently being held and supported by the Moon and the Universe as a whole.

Eclipse season in itself is all about releasing control and trusting the Universe. Now this doesn’t mean giving up or becoming super passive, but it’s more about learning to ride the waves of what ever is flowing, so as not to waste our energy on resistance. Keep reading for more on ways to, and ways not to, work with eclipse energy.

But first, let’s chat about the Libra new Moon.

Libra’s Balance

Libra is a cardinal Air sign, an innovative thinker, justice crusader and lover of all things fair and balanced. Libra energy is compassionate, diplomatic, moral and inclusive. On the shadow side, Libra energy can be indecisive and people-pleasing. Ruled by Venus, Libra is also motivated by beauty, art, relationships and love.

Focusing on relationships, this lunation (and Libra season in general) points a spotlight on relationships, especially those ones closest to our hearts. There is a supportive energy coming through with this new Moon, an energy that wants us to learn to make peace with and accept those around us. On the personal level, this new Moon also helps us ensure that our close relationships also feel fair and balanced. Are we giving as much as we’re taking, and taking as much as we’re giving? This lunation also supports actions toward progress and change as Libra loves to help us move things around to create balance in our own lives.

The Libra energies within this Eclipse season makes this a beautiful time to look for balance within our relationships. We’re guided to invest in reciprocal relationships and to divest from those relationships that always want to take, but never seem to give.

Speaking of relationships and reciprocity, when I connected intuitively with the energies of this new Moon, I was told that it’s time the adults really start listening to, and learning from, the younger generations, which I thought was a very interesting and specific message. There is a big focus and message from the Moon about the importance of the children around this lunation.

“Let the children lead” were the words I heard, and then I was given a knowing that the younger generations hold a vibrational energy, and a wisdom that is meant to guide the future of the world.

There is a deep focus on the older generation really learning to listen to and learn from the younger ones with, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw more youth-generated movements make some noise around this new Moon and Eclipse season at large, and really as we move into the future. And the Moon is telling us it’s time for us listen, because many of the younger ones are meant to guide and teach and lead us into a better future.

Honestly, I couldn’t agree with the Moon more. It’s time for us as a species to better support our youth in sharing their truth, in listening to their joys and sorrows, pain points and passions, and letting them know how much we appreciate their perspectives. It’s time for us to co-create a world where the sacredness of children is prioritized, and it’s time for us to elevate the wisdom of the youth into global leadership.

I also heard the Moon whisper “Trust, I’ve got you.” And by “you,” I know she means all of us. Remember, the Moon is our emotional selves, our sub-conscious and all the complex emotions we hold within us.

The Libra new Moon eclipse wants us to lean into trust. Trust in the sacred reciprocity of the taking and giving that supports life, found from our breath to our relationships. Trust in the Universe and trust in the better future that is possible when we learn to listen to and prioritize our young.

Trust is also always a big theme around eclipse season too.

Eclipse energy

Eclipses are times of powerful transformation, and chaotic energies. Eclipses occur twice per year (typically about 6 month apart and once in the Autumn and once in Spring), and represent moments when our luminaries, or sources of light, namely the Sun and Moon, are cast in shadow. Eclipses can be a wave that either glides us, or tosses us, up to shore, but always moves us in the direction we need to go in. And our best course of action throughout Eclipse season is go with the flow and not force or control the situations at hand. Eclipse energy is chaotic energy that is always for the greatest good, but it’s volatile and not really an energy meant for us to “capture” or create with. In fact, eclipse energy is about letting go of the wheel, and letting the Universe drive and create for us for a bit.

A new Moon eclipse is actually a solar eclipse. The Libra new Moon is a partial solar eclipse, as the Sun and Moon are “joining” in the sky causing the new Moon (in Libra) to block parts of the Sun, also in Libra, from view here on Earth. (This partial solar eclipse will pass over parts of Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Texas.)

While Eclipse energies are powerful, transformative, and often very illuminating, they are not the greatest moments for actively and consciously manifesting or conducting Moon magic. This is because eclipse energy is chaotic and shadowed.

Here are some of my preferred ways to and not to work with eclipse energy. (Of course, please do whatever feels best for you, some of you may love working with chaos magic, in which case harvest eclipse energy as much as you wish!)

Eclipses Don’ts:

  • don’t conduct manifestation rituals or spells

  • don’t make Moon water

  • don’t charge crystals

  • don’t try to force or control outcomes

    eclipse do’s:

  • go with the flow as much as possible

  • make space for meditation (all kinds) and moments of stillness for listening more deeply

  • take note of downloads and/or epiphany type realizations, especially around relationships and balance

  • make space to reflect, review and realign

  • call upon the support from those you love and offer your support in return

May this Libra new Moon help you find balance in the sacred reciprocity of relationships and may this eclipse season help transfrom your life for the highest, happiest and greatest good.

with infinite love & appreciation,


For journal prompts, read on below.

Check out the YouTube Moon video!

journal prompts libra new moon eclipse:

which relationships in your life highlight a healthy balance between giving and taking?

how can you invest in and center these mutually supportive relationships?

which relationships feel like they’re always taking from you?

how can you divest from these relationships?

if you have any children or younger generations in your life, what is something they’re teaching you now?

what are some ways you can support youth-led movements that inspire you?

where can you use more trust in your life?

where in your life would it benefit you to let go of control?


do you want to help?

On August 8, 2023, a massive wildfire, spurred on by hurricane force winds and mismanagement of the land, swept through the sacred town of Lahaina, Maui, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. There is so much grief and sorrow we feel for this loss, and in times like these it is imperative that we show up for each other through whatever support we are able to give.

To help support the recovery efforts in Maui please visit and donate to :

The Maui Strong Fund through Hawai’i Community Foundation

Kako’o Maui

To donate directly to families impacted and in need please visit this Instagram page: @lahaina_ohana_venmo

Mahalo nui loa and ahoi ho.

Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.

Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality

To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.

If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!